Title: Illusions of Fate
Author: Kiersten White
Format acquired: ARC
Author: Kiersten White
Format acquired: ARC
Source: From the publisher (Thank
you, HarperCollins!)
date: September
9, 2014
Goodreads / Amazon / Kobo / Book Depository
Downton Abbey meets Cassandra Clare in this
lush, romantic fantasy from New York Times bestselling author Kiersten White.
“I did my best to keep you from crossing paths with
this world. And I shall do my best to protect you now that you have.”
Jessamin has been an outcast since she moved from
her island home of Melei to the dreary country of Albion. Everything changes
when she meets Finn, a gorgeous, enigmatic young lord who introduces her to the
secret world of Albion’s nobility, a world that has everything Jessamin
doesn’t—power, money, status…and magic. But Finn has secrets of his own,
dangerous secrets that the vicious Lord Downpike will do anything to possess.
Unless Jessamin, armed only with her wits and her determination, can stop him.
Enthralling, that’s the most appropriate word to describe
Illusions of Fate. The play of the words, the setting and the focal point of
this book—the characters. All these factors will lure you—if the book cover
didn’t do that already—in devouring this book in one go. I’ve only read one
work by Kiersten White and that was The Chaos of Stars. That book left a sour
taste in my mouth so I stayed away from her books after that. Then, I had a
sudden affixation towards reading fantasy book (I blame Air Awakens series for
that) and I had an ARC of this book just lying on the bottom part of my shelf
waiting to be pick up so I gave it a go and I got the biggest surprise of my
Illusions of Fate was everything I did not expect
it to be and I’m saying that in a positive note. I thought it would be your
typical fantasy book, magic and mystery and all that whatnot. I should’ve known
never to trust my assumptions when it comes to Kiersten White’s books. This
book had me guffawing in every single chapter. It’s unusual for me to have so
much fun reading a fantasy book, usually I would either be on the edge of my
seat or fascinated with the world and while I experienced those things while I
was reading this book, majority of the time I was laughing over the verbal
exchange of the characters or their silly actions.
Kiersten did a magnificent job in weaving the
words of this book. The narration didn’t bore me to death. The characters felt
so …alive. That’s the best word I could describe them. Illusions of Fate also
had the wittiest character lines ever. Though I did have a hard time
understanding some phrases and lines because it’s too archaic for my mediocre
vocabulary. But I guess that had to do with the setting of the story so I can
overlook that one.
The main reason why I loved this book so much was
because of the characters. They were so adorable! >.< We have Jessamin as
the main protagonist. She’s so witty, clever and you can’t help not to love her
character. I had an instant connection with her. And then there’s Finn. *cue
swooning and fangirling* Oh my gosh. He’s a breath of fresh air for love interest.
I thought he would be one of those angsty and arrogant type that’s very common
to YA books but turned out that he’s completely different with how I portray
him to be. He’s smart, charming, has a drool worthy collarbones and secretly
shy. It’s so fun to watch him try to woo Jessamin. Lastly, we have Sir Bird.
He’s, as the name suggest, a bird or to be more specific a crow. I have never
in my life thought that I would love an animal character. I mean, I did
encounter animal characters before and I loved them too but those were talking animals.
Sir Bird doesn’t talk. But what made me love his character was that even though
he doesn’t talk, he express himself through his gestures and actions. Also, Sir
Bird was a really amusing character. You have to read the book in order to
understand my fascination with him.
Illusions of Fate had me swooning over the romance
between Finn and Jessamin. The romance was slow burn but I like it that way.
It’s fitting to both characters. I thought this book would have the blasted
thing we call love triangle. Thankfully, that was not the case. Jessamin and
Finn weren’t overly affectionate with each other and they don’t have that
constant sizzling tension like what we read in most YA books. I love how they
transition from acquaintance to frenemies to friends to lovers. It was really
smooth. You as the reader can’t help but be happy with developments in their
relationship. It’s like watching your child fall in love for the first time.
They’re just so adorable! Also, you would appreciate every interaction between
these two. I honestly love their verbal exchange. They’re both witty people and
you can imagine what it ensues.
I think Illusions of Fate is an underrated
standalone book. It deserves more love and attention. It was an enthralling
book. There’s intrigue, witty conversations, a bird that turns into book, slow
burn romance and characters that feels as if they’re alive. Not to mention that
this book has a beautiful cover and diverse characters. Read it, not because I
told you to do so but because it deserves to be read.