Cover Reveal: Water (Elements of Power #2) by Heather James

5:53:00 AM

Title: Water (Elements of Power #2)
Author: Heather James
Publisher: Heather James
Expected release date: Autumn 2013


Water pooled around my feet, rising at an alarming rate. I stared - panicked - at the palms of my hands, willing the water gushing out of them to stop as miraculously as it had begun.
I only sneezed!

Jasmine is struggling to control her new powers, causing floods and fires with an accidental flick of her wrist. In a desperate attempt to master at least one aspect of them, she travels to the Brizan Realm, where she comes closer to discovering the truth about her parents than ever before. But not everyone wants their secrets revealed.

Alone, powerless and, for the first time in her life, afraid, Roxy has only one thought occupying her mind: escaping Cinaer's clutches before it's too late. Her flight will take her across the ocean, but not in the direction she is expecting. Before she can try and get back to Brae, she needs to rescue herself.

Despite being on opposite sides of the world, the girls soon find themselves closer than ever.
About the Author: 

Heather James is a young-adult author who writes about heroines with amazing powers, heroes who will break your heart and fantasy realms that you will want to move to.

She works in the attendance office of a South-East London secondary school and spends her school holidays writing, reading, playing flag-American football and wasting time marketing on Pinterest.
Want to find out more about the author? Go to these sites:
The cover izz so puh-reeety! I love color blue so that's why. Hehe. And judging from the synopsis, Water will be focusing more on Jasmine (who (if you had read my review of Fire) I hate the most). I want a Brae and Roxy moments! Please please please let it have it in this book. 

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