Title: Camp Payback (Camp Boyfriend #2)
Author: J.K Rock
Publisher: Spencer Hill Press
release date: April 2014
Alex has big plans for
camp this year, starting with making it the best summer ever. Having fun
and breaking some rules will get her the payback she wants against her
parents and her ex-boyfriend. Because of his disgusting texts, she's
headed to a super strict all-girls school in the fall. Then she meets
Javier and revenge doesn't seem nearly as important as getting to know
the troubled loner determined to keep a low profile at camp. But Alex's
trouble-magnet personality and Javier's need to stay in the background
don't mix nearly as well as their irresistible chemistry. With her home
life eroding under her feet and her last year of summer camp speeding to
a close, Alex wants to make her mark on the world and squeeze every bit
of fun out of her time with Javier. Too bad her old plans for revenge
turn back on her just in time to ruin everything. Will she lose Javier
About the Author
J. K. Rock is the pseudonym
for YA writing partners - and sisters-in-law - Joanne & Karen Rock.
After years of comparing notes on their favorites books and films, often
dreaming up new endings to suit them, they decided to write their own
stories. Their first Young Adult book, CAMP BOYFRIEND, is the first in a
three-book series. CAMP PAYBACK will be a Spring 2014 release, and CAMP
FORGET-ME-NOT arrives in Summer 2014. Visit the Camp Boyfriend website
at http://campboyfriend.net
to learn more about the free novellas they are offering readers prior
to each full length book.
Want to stalk them? Haha. Go to these sites:
I love the summer-y feeling I get when I see this book cover! Makes me want to wish to go to a meadow and cuddle with someone. :)